Targeted Cold Therapy Relief Right at the Source. Cool down your core temperature, reduce swelling, and provide overall relief to aching muscles and joints with the Freeze Sleeve™ Flat Pak! Measuring 12″ x 17″, the Flat Pak is large enough to help relieve soreness over various parts of the body. Plus, the pack is specially formulated with an antimicrobial gel that eliminates odors and is nontoxic. The Flat Pak can be used in conjunction with other treatment products including compressed air massagers and muscle stimulators.
- Relief from arthritis, tendinitis, inflammation, tennis or golfer’s elbow, cubital tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and orthopedic discomfort
- Post-game recovery routine— great for baseball & basketball players, CrossFit, runners, and weight lifters
- Post-surgery rehab routine to minimize swelling
- An alternative solution to medication for targeted relief
- Child friendly, nontoxic, & leakproof
- Can apply directly to bare skin straight from the freezer
- Sleeves are interchangeable
- Great for recovering sore muscles & treating joint inflammation
- Helps reduce swelling and pain Not made with natural rubber latex
- May be left in the freezer indefinitely until ready to use Will remain flexible even at -20°F
- Stays cold for the recommended 15–20 minutes of cryotherapy
- Made in the USA