Dong Bang Acupuncture Needles are renowned for their “pine needle” shaped points. Automated grinding and polishing lines result in reliable consistency of production quality, which enables DongBang AcuPrime to continue to be one of the leading suppliers in the world of acupuncture. Dong Bang Acupuncture Needles Single Pipe Handle needles (where the handle is stiffer) can also be used for Dry Needling Techniques.
Dong Bang Acupuncture Needles Made from high-class stainless steel wire, advanced grinding technology and a quality control system. Precise and accurate needlepoint with PIPE-style metal handle which allows easy glide insertion. Use of high tensile strength and surface smooth surgical grade stainless steel. Individual blister packaging.
+ Made from high class stainless steel wire, advanced grinding technology and quality control system
+ Precise and accurate needle point with PIPE-style metal handle which allow easy glide insertion
+ Use of high tensile strong and surface-smooth surgical grade stainless steel
+ Individual blister packaging
*Box packaging may vary from image shown.
The Pipe Handle Singles with guide tube (gold package) have a solid Pipe-Type metal handle.
.18mm X 15 mm
.18mm X 30 mm
.18mm X 40 mm
.20 mm X 15 mm
.20 mm X 30 mm
.20 mm X 40 mm
.20 mm X 50 mm
.25 mm X 15 mm
.25 mm X 40 mm
.25 mm X 50 mm
.30 mm X 30 mm
.30 mm X 40 mm
.30 mm X 50 mm